Bob The Builder

Now, that is what political scientists call electoral salience.

Nobody is arguing that 4 out of 5 Republicans are going to stay home or vote Democratic if their congressman does not vote to save net neutrality. That is a straw man.

Star Wars is basically fantasy set in a scifi universe. It makes Star Trek look like GATTACA. The science is pretty much all handwaving magic.

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” - Abraham Lincoln

Selling water as a cure for any medical condition but dehydration should be illegal.

It is kind of hard to reconcile your claim, most of their constituents couldn’t care less about [net neutrality], with the article’s claim that, only one in five Republican voters support FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s order repealing federal net neutrality rules.

You realize that a lot of indictments are not based on a single incriminating piece of evidence, right? Often, a case is made by putting together many pieces of circumstantial evidence to demonstrate a theory of criminal behavior. There could be email that, in and of itself is not proof of a crime beyond all

It is certainly possible, but I am skeptical that Pence is involved in anything illegal. Vice Presidents are usually not that involved in the day-to-day campaign intrigue. They are just there to be the President’s bulldog.

Right, these guys thought that this would work like a civil case against a private business. They thought Muller would get a court order to seize the documents and the Trump lawyers and the DOJ would hash out which emails were privileged and would not be turned over. They were possibly planning on hiding certain

I would say that Donald Trump is more likely to be the guy who confesses to the murder when he hears on cable news how the perpetrator must have been a genius to think up such a fiendish plan.

CNN is still considered a reasonably reliable source of news by people who live on Earth-616. Yes, their editorial policy does lean slightly toward mainstream liberalism, just like the Wall Street Journal’s editorial policy leans toward mainstream conservatism; however, that does not affect their journalistic

Most of the leaks to the press do not seem to be coming from the FBI or Muller’s team. The Trump team reportedly first learned of Muller getting the emails s because Muller’s investigators were asking transition team officials questions regarding emails that transmitted through the transition system. The press almost

Most every federal system I have ever accessed for official use gives you a long legal disclaimer at or before the login page. The gist is, you agree that the system is monitored and that you are consenting to auditing except for certain privileged communication (like with attorneys, psychotherapists, and clergy) and

My intuition is that the political fallout from the existing FBI investigations under Comey would be far less severe than what is coming due to the incredibly inept way he has responded to the investigations.

It is hard to say how it all shakes out. It will almost certainly be far more destructive to his Presidency than simply cooperating with Muller. But it is hard to know how the political fallout is likely to manifest itself.

After Watergate, the law was changed to prevent the executive from firing special council (Clinton could not fire Ken Starr for instance; he had to be removed through impeachment just like other high executive branch officials). Unfortunately, that particular subdivision expired at the end of the 20th century, so the

It is not as bad as the dot-com bubble. Most of today’s start-ups are not publicly traded prior to being profitable (Snapchat is one of the exceptions, and it is a grave portent of the company’s future). Most of the time, it is private investors (mostly Venture Capitalists) who lose their shirts when they back a bad

That is a straw man argument. Voter fraud is certainly real; however, there is no evidence supporting any claim of systematic or random voter fraud of anywhere near the magnitude to affect an election.

The nicest thing that I can think of to say about Roy Moore is that technically, what he is accused of does not meet the medical definition of pedophilia.

As natural disasters go, one which is racking up a body count in the thousands is pretty alarming. California recently experienced what is arguably its most destructive firestorm in modern history, very alarming to people in the Bay Area, but only a tiny bit of the destruction and deaths caused in Puerto Rico.