Bob The Builder

I cited the parts of the War Powers Resolution of 1973 that clearly outlaw the use of military force without the explicit or statutory approval of congress, except as a response to a direct attack.

1. The purpose of the war powers clause of the US Constitution was to manifest in congress the general power to declare war. The courts have never held that the war powers clause requires a formal declaration of war by the US Congress before the President can use military force. As long as congress authorizes the use

Clinton ordered the use of US forces against Yugoslavia in accordance with NATO mandate, including the bombing of the Serbian capital of Belgrade and Yugoslavian forces throughout the country.

The entire command and control system of our nuclear arsenal is set up under the assumption that any nuclear launch order will be lawful. It has become pretty clear that we can no longer count on the judgement of the President to refrain from ordering a nuclear launch in a situation where it would not be lawful.

The War Powers Act of 1973 only gives the President the authority to use military force without congressional authorization in response to an attack against the United States or a similar emergency . If the President does use military force without the authorization of congress, all forces must be withdrawn within 60


You are conflating the authorization of military force with the use of military force.

“That all said, your rationale isn’t actually correct. Congress granted the president the authority to unilaterally launch a nuke decades ago, as a way to ensure MAD during the Cold War.”

The difference between a formal declaration of war against a specific nation and the authorization of the use of force against a terrorist group or to support an international military effort is meaningless outside of pedantry. There is no legal distinction.

That is incorrect. The US constitution makes congress the sole authority for the authorization of all use of military force.

When you join any federal service, including being a commissioned officer, you swear: [I] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

The magic mouse seems designed for toddler-hands, like the gamecube controller.

It is all raw intel, or HUMINT as they say in the business. None of the individual sources are necessarily credible nor have they been properly vetted. The kind of raw intelligence in the report typically goes through multiple layers of analysts who determine the probability of each individual piece of intelligence

The President apparently does not believe in exercise, as he subscribes to the notion that the body has a finite amount of energy, and physical exertion depletes it.

Being able to deadlift about twice your bodyweight (I’m assuming he’s about 185-220lbs) is pretty average for someone who has been training a moderate amount. You don’t have to look like the hulk to do it.

He’s using bumper weights. That is pretty standard for these crossfit guys. It’s not a bad system necessarily, but there is a tendency to encourage students to try to do reps as heavy or as fast as they can which can lead to poor form, accidents, and injuries a lot more frequently than traditional strength training,

If you read the article, he does read the tweets. He just facepalms, does not seriously consider them to be statements of policy, and tries to explain to his boss the potential implications of all the batshit crazy things he is tweeting out in the vain hope that his boss will show some restraint.

1. There is no proof that PGP is cracked.

I’m unclear of any way that quantum computers are likely to be used to crack AES by sheer brute force, unless there is a flaw that I am unaware of.

I honestly do not see Virginia being much of a bellwether in a race like this. The State is increasingly Democratic-leaning and conservatives from the DC area tend to be educated and multicultural, just the sort of Republicans that voted against Trump in record numbers in educated enclaves of Texas and places like