
Very a car...your “freedom” is costing you $6000 a year in parking plus insurance, depreciation, maintanence, etc.... i.e why flush $10,000 down the drain when you can rent a car for the rare times you need it?

“he’s 31 years old and he’s starting to think about security” - Thanks for that, I actually spit my coffee on the screen...Lebron is worth, what, 200-500 million? Unless he goes all Tiger and is caught sleeping with 17 women at once, Nike will keep paying him is not on his mind.

Yah, I am wondering about that...the only time I have ever flown without in seat entertainment in the last decade was an Air Canada Rouge (the discount arm) that uses older planes and you could rent an ipad...I guess this is a US thing?

Long winded types who bloviate everywhere in their lives? I got nuthin else I can figure out either how this would even be remotely useful.

I am going to be that guy...I apoligize...but, man, what a waste of time...I mean, jeez...we already treat our children like they are the sun and the three nephews are asked their opinion on everything, they get what they want all the time and they are very quickly becoming monsters...and, I know it’s a

How about this...make a movie that people want to see? I know, absurd and all...but Hollywood continues to make the same dumb mistakes over and over...Ghostbusters failure was predictable from day 1...if your hook is “now with women!” you’ve already failed because a hook is not why people go to movies...Just make a

We use Z’s in Canada! It’s only the Brits and Aussie’s who use S instead.

I love the Yankee’s amazing how fans of a team filled with mercenaries can dislike a guy because he’s a mercenary.

I love how MLB has done away with is that “home run” not an error? The ball landed dead center in the middle of center field!

YAY the country that spends vast amounts of money on athletics, succeeds at athletics! Who’d have guessed it! USA USA USA

+1 for “I am Enzo, the Baker” Godfather reference....

#10 and #11 are in conflict if you approach #11 “from day 1". i.e. It is very likely a home means more space, which means more stuff, which means a net input of stuff. You can’t take nothing out of an empty house to balance it out. It is pretty much impossible not to have a net input of stuff into your home for the

Ahh right the classic response...indeed, I am sure the Americans destroying world records are doing so against opponents who are you know how good you have to be to defeat cheaters without cheating? Is it more likely that Americans are just that God-like or that they have better cheating? C’mon, let’s not

You’re welcome!

This is incredibly sad, but I would hope that these people have friends (or grief counselors) who could help’s not healthy to spend three years diving around looking for, for lack of a subtler word, a corpse. I know that people need closure but I really hope these people talk to somebody and are able to find

Trump ran for President as a way to drum up cheap publicity and then drop out...and then, because the field was full of the unlikeable, insane and drooling moron variety, he kept leading...and then he convinced himself he could win and off he went.

I think the article kinda misses the point...obviously, an opera you’ll hate isn’t better than an ipod you’ll love...the real point is to seek the greatest level of happiness...i.e. bang for the buck...regardless of whether it’s a thing or an experience...just be honest with yourself and make the best decision you can

I guess...I mean, obviously you’re with good people and know what you’re talking about...but I think of cars the same way I think of having’s mostly unpleasant and people delude themselves in order to justify their that one time you got to drive on a sweet road with the top down

I definitely do this...I also have storage bins where trip specific stuff goes in and I keep my lists, visa’s, foreign currency etc... In other words, I am going to Kenya in Sept, so have my itinerary, shillings...also going to South America next Feb and already have some paper maps, travel adapters etc.. so I just

Right - but the desire to compete online is the same as low self-esteem. You think self-assured people feel the need to one-up people online with how happy they are?