
It’s not the physcial number of games people’s the games worth playing...what percentage are 9 or higher on metacritic? I look at the system every so often and the highest number of games I was ever interested in was four...not worth buying a system to play four games...PS why is ever single comment of mine

Right...and if sales were tanking would he say anything different?...what’s he supposed to say “AHHH NOBODY IS BUYING THIS STUFF”?...I am NOT saying it isn’t true, I am saying that in every single situation a toy exec is going to say sales are doing well because that makes sense from a marketing perspective.

But that’s 4 nights in a motel, 12 meals out, 4 days worth of gas, 4 fewer vacation days...I mean, look I am sure it’s cheaper to drive...but it is that much cheaper? It’s not $1000-$’s likely $1000-$500 or something.

And for Kenya, a Canadian can also get the visa in advance online. I’ve literally found two errors in eight seconds.

Execpt it’s not correct...Canadians absolutely need a VISA for Argentina (for example) — EDIT - well, technically it’s not a VISA, it’s a “reciprocity fee” but it has to be paid online and BEFORE can’t get it if you show up in Argentina at the perhaps “no visa” is techically correct but it’s

Never buy mutual funds...ever...ETF’s are the way to go. If you aren’t aware, an ETF is an unmanaged fund with a very low management fee that mimics the holding of an index (i.e. the S&P500) whereas a mutual fund is an actively managed fund with a much much higher management fee on top of possible front or back end 99.8% of people are in an airport for less than 2 hours...two the 0.1% who are delayed generally don’t know how long they are going to be delayed don’t know they are stuck for six you’re relying in the 0.1% who have carry on bags and other crap AND are either layovers or delays who know how long

Also, they would never wear black...that myth came about because they were used on stage and black blends in with black backgrounds...if you really want to be “invisible” in rural areas, you’d wear dark blue.

I guess maybe in a vacuum? I think it largely depends on where and how you are getting there. i.e. a lot of Westward flights leave at midnight wheras I have found the return flights tend to be during the day....i.e if I can logically sleep (i.e it’s my bedtime), I find it much easier than if I spend the daytime on the

Right...29000 gun related incidents in the US so far this year...29000! Whole country is nuts.

Half an hour? You need eight seconds...a half an hour and the bread will disintigrate.

So, wait, you are in a HOTEL that doesn’t include breakfast but you have butter, milk, bread, cinnamon, sugar, vanilla and an egg? LOL

You have any idea how much stuff that is? The reality is that we have become a species that thinks everything needs to be saved forever, and it doesn’t.

Ok look...this article is crap but there is something there...I mean, let’s say I was planning on going from A to wouldn’t chastise me if I said “Don’t go through the crime ridden section of town wearing a Rolex” right? Look, men shouldn’t rape (obviously) but we live in the real world and bad shit happens so,

Well, that, or they don’t think black people play Pokemon Go...I am not trolling here, but black’s represent 12% of the American they are already a small percentage of the possible market...and do you honestly think black’s represent a big portion of Pokemon sales in per capita terms? When I think of

The list of problems with the ark are nearly can’t have a wooden boat that long (long story)...two people with no carpentry experience couldn’t have build the biggest wooden boat in history...the basic genetics of 2 of each creature mean incest in a single generation and isn’t a diverse enough

I think you could do this much more simply. “Idiots care about cosmetic changes to a video game and make artificial, and absurd, valuations on said cosmetic changes and gamble on them. Smart people profit on people’s aforementioned stupid obsession with cosmetic changes to video game”. The end.

Kelly Gruber winning a Jays game in the 13th inning at the old Exhibition first baseball game.

Wow...I didn’t even know Steam had levels...I’ve been on the platform since 2008!...well, kudos to this fine gentleman...$13K is a small price to pay for the knowledge that he (only a dude is this dumb) has acheived a thing that required stupidly spending $13K...hats off man! Nothing is more worthy of praise than a

Very true...I used to deliver a report to a bank on the 5th business day of the month...I usually had it done by the 2nd or 3rd day but always held it back because if I deliver on the 3rd, they expect it on the 3rd and now the odd month where it actually takes to the 5th, I am failing their (new) expectations.