I get where he’s coming from. If there’s one thing Russians hate it’s unfairly trying to dictate the outcome of what should be a impartial process.
As someone who just ordered a Switch this post definitely doesn’t make me slightly 2nd guess my decision. Nope, not at all....
I’m not here to say whether Torre is a bigot or not, Hernández may have a point in regards to white umps getting promoted. I do know that Hernández doesn’t get to work World Series games because he’s a fucking terrible umpire.
I hate these stories. They’re impossibly difficult and cruelly unfair. But I’m still of the mind that if my child’s organs cannot function without a machine doing the work for them, this is not life.
What kind of motherless slice of dogshit do you have to be to kidnap a child for some bullshit a relative of hers did?
How is it a production car if they haven’t produced nor sold any?
So seriously, is there anything we can do to turn this shit around? I mean, we’re turning more and more into an anti-science society, ironically like the very people (ISIS) that the people who agree with shit like this hate. Or are we going to just keep going until police start investigating stonings?
This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.
This sport is trash, and the fight should have been held anywhere other than Australia. Horn was always going to win that belt.
Well, in defense of the current admnistration, they’re not only afghans, but also girls, and most certainly, they bleed, so much girls, so much blood, so clearly a threat. Also, insert FAKE NEWS and SAD.
Well, I know I feel safer here in this shining city on the hill, this beacon of freedom, this safe harbor for the wretched and yearning, this symbol that if you work hard you can achieve anything!
I think he has some form of dementia. If you compare interviews he’s done in the past his vocabulary was larger and there was way less word soup. There is something physically wrong with him. It doesn’t excuse his attitude toward women.
That poor bastard, now he can only go to Padres and Phillies games.
People who get to the front of the line and still don’t know what they want can go to hell. It’s a fast food place, they only serve but a couple different items. There are massive, brightly-colored menus, with pictures! That you can look at while you are in line.
As a late luncher, it’s not about being too busy, it’s about hating other people.
Yes, and I hate it when the bartender uses GIN when I specifically asked for a JIN martini.
This is the worst opinion ever expressed.
Yes, but 4,798 sparklers duct taped together destroys the rest. And anything near it.