My first thought, although the turn back is odd. My plane if you pass the last waypoint, will just continue on in a straight line
My first thought, although the turn back is odd. My plane if you pass the last waypoint, will just continue on in a straight line
I guess you have to be a bigot to garner enough attention to escape the greys. I’ve been making uninteresting comments on all the sites for years and have not been ungreyed on any of them.
For all the car dealers whose lots are filled to the brim with $70,000 vehicles they can’t sell, it’s time the auto industry realized that they need to return to producing simple, fuel-efficient vehicles that the 99 percent can actually afford without robbing a bank. Even a horrible misanthrope like Henry Ford…
Oh cool thanks, now do green.
Whats all these boring, reasonable answers?
The answer is Morgan. Might not be able to get a brand new Plus 4 for under $70k, but recent, new ones are there.
Last time I was in Detroit driving from in from the west on M12 to Downtown for the last F1 race, I was surprised at how few people there were. Reminded me a lot of Gary Indiana when I went there 5 years ago.
I’ve always wondered what it’d be like if we just let them rip, no artificial limitations. Let the teams run full engine power, best tires we can make, etc.
Didn’t they already try this:
Yes, I’m a big fan of small batteries. They set up a nice cycle.
For me, charging speed is more important than overall battery capacity. It’s the same with smart watches and other devices. Being able to charge quickly is a game changer.
I think he is talking about a potential future in which more cities have public transporation and cities are built with denser housing rather than adding to suburban sprawl. Not about the present development. This is really possible and basically existed in lots of places within living memory. My dad remembers…
Dealers stocking only high end cars, Manufactures only making high end models. They both say “see people are not buying lower priced cars”
Take the subway? You’re talking about a very small percentage of the country who has this option.
We have a lot of issues that we have to confront if we want to tackle the homeless crisis. One is that, although some statistics show that up to 50% of homeless people are employed, a lot of homeless people are unemployed, and not employable. Even if clean and sober, they likely will never hold down a job again, and…
It would sure be wonderful to see all the money wasted on book banning, and abortion denying, and the hundreds of other anti-American activities, we could instead show we are a first class nation and care for our sick and suffering.
Buying a new car really sucks right now if you are not made of money.
(which are, BTW, MUCH heavier than their counterpart ICE models and thus likely to MORE damage do the road)
no one offered a RHD car? seems like a perfect fit
Spend $33K on a Mustang convertible and allocate the left-over $2K to sunscreen, sunglasses and hats.