John Bastion

I'm leaving for Coachella tomorrow!
It's always one of the highlights of my year. I am notably less excited than previous years, but I know it will be a blast regardless. I should probably get on packing though…

Dark Souls III!!!

Dark Souls 3 forever and always.

"The rest of you writers start thinking up a name for this funky open post; I dunno, something along the line of say… Poochie, only more proactive."

That's the current method I'm attempting. The only issue is, I went through the entire game without doing that at all so I'm learning while trying to take him down. I've been using the enemies on the way to him to practice though.

I think that's what it's going to take.
I'll normally just throw a podcast on to try and distract me, BUT I JUST WANT HIM TO DIE AND BE DONE WITH IT!

Mostly stayed at the apartment.
Played some Dark Souls, I'm on the final boss and he's just tearing me apart. There's nothing more depressing than making the trek to the boss only to get torn apart seconds in.

Titan Souls was a little short for my liking, but overall pretty great. It scratches a certain itch.

Finally hopped back in to Dark Souls to hopefully beat by the time 3 comes out. I'm in the process of getting all of the Lord Souls and just finished both Duke's Archives and Tomb of Giants.

It was so sad when I finally uninstalled the game while it was still only half completed. Part of the reason was other games came along, but I just have no desire to go back and finish it/collect all the garbage scattered around. I normally love doing that stuff, but Mad Max grew pretty tedious after a while.

I really should just pony up the cash since I'm such a Picross addict (I own all the E-shop versions and the old DS versions) and I don't even have access to over half the game! What I'm REALLY excited for, should it ever get a North American release, is Picross 3D 2! I haven't heard anything about it though since the

The kitchen, my bathroom, maybe even to the mailbox!

Been burning through the latest season of Archer before the new season starts. Season 6 has some great moments, but some of it seems a little fan service-y. It was a nice return to basics after Archer Vice and it looks like the Season 7 will shake things up again which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I've been slacking on my game playing, I'll probably mess around in Elder Scrolls Online and try to finish Dark Souls as we get closer to the release of Dark Souls 3.

Oooooh! I forgot that was on there. I've gotta check it out!

Upvote for sympathy. I'm entering month 2 of unemployment….

Whenever the mood grabs you

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket and Put Some Extra Layers on It's Chilly Out

Fry-ight Night

And also with you.