John Bastion





Heh heh heh
Those Kinja folks are in for a rude surprise
I left a poo in the corner, TAKE THAT!

I'd also like to express my fondness for this particular website community

I feel hurt and betrayed right now

Disclaimer: Must love The Garbage Ape

This is true

Gamerological is one of the only things I even still come here for…

You don't have to go home but you have nowhere else to go either

Give it to me

I meant soon!

We've got some handy pamphlets on him you should read
He truly is the only path to salvation

Well, it's not quite a kid and it's not quite a ninja, but, man
So to answer your question, I don't know.

Now I know I haven't been around much lately but let me just say that change scares me and we're all going to die

Will you lift the restraining order?

*wipes tears*
Of course

Let's talk about kinja, baby
Let's talk about commenting
Let's talk about all the bad things
And the shit things that may be

Oh no…
Look at what this madness has done to Doctuar!!!