John Bastion

*looks at the chaos, confused*

Finally the Ant-Man and the Waltons crossover event we've all been waiting for

True, but writing a song about it just seemed like rubbing salt in the wound

He ate my child


Oh hai

Ooooooh! New gaming pc?
Anything you're planning to use it for in particular?

*shows up out of nowhere*
*goes down with the ship*

*deletes memes*

Yeah, someone asked if they would ever have the women in their life, Nick's wife or Mitch's mom, on the pod. I don't remember Nick's answer either but I am excited at the prospect of them bringing Mitch's mom on now it would be a hilarious trainwreck

"My penis feels weird"



More like Mary Tyler No-Moore amirite?

Subthread: Favorite Type of Goat

And the baby goat looked at me

I hear Roy Scheider wants to fuck a goat? Or is it a shark?

Yeah, the transition away from turn based was another big part of what has drawn me towards giving it a shot. A DA:I comparison is great news, I enjoyed that I could mostly just focus on my character if I wanted while at the same time allowing for some strategy if I needed it.

Thanks! Yeah, FF has always just been kind of a blind spot for me gaming wise (I'm also not a HUGE fan of turn based RPGs but have been known to dabble) but this game just looks beautiful and the things I've seen so far have piqued my interest enough that it might be time to break into the series.

I think I'm nearing the end of Until Dawn which has been a very nice surprise. I wasn't expecting much from it (I picked it up because the concept sounded interesting) and it's been a ride. It feels like choices actually have consequences even if not for a while. Some semi-predictable stuff but a fun romp overall. I