John Bastion

Oh my!
*faints dead away*

Like Fry! Like Fry!

Great job, internet!

Oh shoot! I didn't realize this was out already! I've been a long time fan. I even got to meet the band when I saw them at an in-store show! I'll be checking this out ASAP

I want to try and get back in to Dark Souls since K'd like to beat it by the time 3 comes out. I'm also dipping in and out of Elder Scrolls Online and I'm trying to finish the Sly Cooper Collection on PS3, I'm still on Band of Thieves. I think I miss the more straightforward platformer-ness of the original, but it's

Looking through the guests on this podcast, how have I not heard of this before?!

Excuse me, but "paradigm" and "orca breeding"? Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important? Not that I'm accusing you of anything like that.

…I'm fired, aren't I?

Are you still talking? I got bored and pushed the button in the middle of all your questions.

Not for long….
*finger hovers over mysterious big red button*

Indiana Jones and the Age of Incontinence

No, I'm over that whole thing.
I can't even find it in the rearview hombre.

"You have pressed two."
"No I didn't!"
"I'm almost positive you did!"

You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.

I completely forgot RSD was coming! I'm not going to let myself look at the list because I know I shouldn't be buying any of them, but it's SO TEMPTING! Last time I participated in RSD I wound up with way more than I had planned.

That's the point, it's a defense mechanism to keep people away from me.

Happy bidet B-Day!


Not now son, I'm making….TOAST!

I've been playing a ton of The Division which has been pretty great so far. I finally ventured in to the Dark Zone which is pretty cool. I can't wait to get further in to it.

With the pace I went through the first one I figured I would match that on season 2 but I finished the first two episodes and I haven't touched it since. It's not bad, it just hasn't hooked me which I think might be do to slightly the bleaker tone.