John Bastion

I have that thought often, it's a general rule that Danny DeVito should be in EVERYTHING.

For some reason I always pictured Wednesday as a Danny Devito-esque man

I've been playing Dark Souls to take a break from Dark Souls 2 and I have to say it was kind of hard for me to go back after getting used to all the changes in 2 (can't warp to any bonfire from the beginning, able to wear 4 rings, etc). While I've been enjoying 1 I think I'm more partial to 2 because I like the world

I might end up looking that up, for a fight like that I'll do what I must.

I had to walk away from the Gank Squad and tell myself I'll come back to it later. Not looking forward to a Smelter Demon variant, but the DLC has been great so far. It feels like a natural extension of the main game.

Dark Souls 2! I finished most of the Sunken King DLC (can't beat that trio in the Cave of the Dead…it's terrible), I'm moving on to Iron Crown, probably finish it all off this weekend. Since I've been enjoying DS2 so much though I think I might go back and try DS1 again, maybe I'll be able to tolerate it now.

Those entitle me to extra strength in the after life.

♫Would you know my name,
If you saw my upvote ratio in heaven?♫

TheRadioCat has no need for loved ones!

*writing his will*

Going through that right now. All my friends in the area moved away at the beginning of this month, it's been pretty shitty and it's only going to get worse.

To quote the great Lucille Bluth:
"I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona."

I did for the first season and I have no idea why I didn't with the second season. Hell, I watched Game of Thrones every week and they air the same night, I'm just an idiot.

More Dark Souls 2. I'm just getting to the Shrine of Amana with my new character in the Scholar of the First Sin edition. I was hoping they would have tweaked that area, but it's still fucking annoying. I hate those god damn casters!

It's really fun and only gets better as it goes on in my opinion! Fingers crossed for a season 3!

Yesterday I watched all of Silicon Valley season 2. I'm not sure why I put off watching it for so long, but it was just as good as I'd heard. Now I only have to wait two months for season 3!

Of course YOU don't, you're a dog!

I enjoyed it. I'm a little bias because I already like both Paul Rust and Gillian Jacobs, and even though they're terrible people it didn't hurt my enjoyment of the show because that's kind of the point. As for the length I actually enjoyed the slowish pacing of the show, it made the whole relationship build in a more

*shakes fist at @ashesofdonnie:disqus out of jealousy due to Pliny again*

Eh I give it 2 stars. Being unemployed, weekends just don't feel as special as they used to. I had a friend pass through town for a night, so that was a highlight, but beyond that not a whole lot of note. Uuuh I watched all of Love in one day…