John Bastion

*looks around*
The A.V. Club

I call the big one Bitey.

Get it?
They're both named after dogs!
Do you get it?
Tell me you get it.

Why didn't people tell me this technology existed?! It would be far easier on my liver than my current method of memory removal.

The elevator?

Indiana Jones' son…DUH!

More Dark Souls 2.

Throw that in a pot, add some broth, put in a potato, baby you got a stew going!

*Donnie Darko cheers*

I've been dying to get a PS4 for months now, I haven't been able to make that happen just yet, but Bloodborne was one of the games that has pushed me in that direction. Hopefully DS2 can hold me over for a bit!

I tried to see it Sunday night and it was sold out. HMPH!

This weekend I went to visit my college roommates so I drank entirely too much and as a result I caught some sort of bug and should hold off on drinking until I recover…on the other hand I have a Stone Black IPA and a Pliny the Elder waiting for me in the fridge…

I've gone deep in to the Dark Souls hole. Help…me….

Sex is just like work for me: I end up crying in the bathroom

II, Robot

*the sound of a gunshot is faintly heard from TheRadioCat's grave site*

I thought Tay Tay was cray cray, not Bey Bey.
*puts gun in mouth*

Why didn't she turn down the other awful songs people wrote for her?

I left the apartment twice to go to the store, so it was a pretty big weekend. I spent most of my time either cooking, eating, drinking, watching TV, or playing video games. I bought Dark Souls II on sale for $5 and I'm actually starting to kind of get in to it unlike I did with the first one. There's still a lot of

Hmm, I'm downloading it now so we'll see. If it's easier to get in to that might be good for me. I'd prefer to play Bloodborne, but I don't have a PS4…yet! That will probably be the first game I get for it.