John Bastion

Hmm, I think I'll just keep it cheap and stick with vanilla. Thanks!

If I wasn't crazy about Dark Souls 1 is Dark Souls 2 worth checking out? It's only 5$ for PS3 and that's hard to ignore for a game I hear so much about. I've also been told to just get the Scholar of the First Sin version for PC but don't know if that would be worth it either

I just hope they don't get caught and Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box.

I finally got my condo rented out last weekend which will help me out financially since I just got laid off.

Fuck getting laid off which leads to….fuck looking for jobs.

The Sleuthing Dicks

The original Bojack Horseman trailers were pretty rough as well.

Great, now I know that too. THANKS A LOT!

*half the AV Club is arrested for indecent exposure*


OH shit! I didn't realize Besser was the guest last week! MUST LISTEN ASAP! Doughboys continues to be one of my podcast highlights every week, I could listen to the Spoonman and Burgerboy for hours.

Roommate moved out yesterday, drank a lot to cope. Hungover now.

Aw Murray, you wouldn't swear at us….

STOP! STOP! It's already dead!

This truly is a Tail of Two Kitties

AmeriCat Beauty


Model wars? The proper terminology is reenactments you philistines!

Hmmmm, Chael Sonnen does sound like some sort of herb or spice.

Some sort of purple McNugget monster?