John Bastion

I watch for the drama and love triangles.

I'm kind of in shock, I'm so happy I don't know how to react to this!!!

Even without the Oculus I've only been able to play AI short bursts because it stresses me out so much. I'm enjoying it, but I'm not very good.

In a gaming rut. I've installed Grim Fandango Remastered (I've never played the original) so I may try that out, we'll see. I've also got an Oculus for the weekend so I may try and get it to work with Alien Isolation since I heard it's pretty easy to setup and seems scary as shit. I MAY be too scared to follow through

I took a few weeks off in the middle of my run which was a needed break. Once I went back I had the motivation to finish off the story and any interesting side quests just so I could cross it off the list for now. I may end up going in for DLC depending on what it ends up looking like, but overall I enjoyed it. It was

I never even finished the main story of Just Cause 2, I got so wrapped up in causing destruction I lost focus and never cared to polish it off. Still fun though!

Battlefront is one of the rare games I regret buying, and I got it at half price. You can only play so much before it gets boring. On top of that, if you don't have the gear you're just going to get slaughtered and there's nothing fun about that since it makes it even harder to get gear. I played maybe 10 hours and

This was my favorite part:

So like they're meat head jocks who lift weights? I don't understand!

Linda is a legend.

The moment I saw the prompt I came here to mention her. Even just beyond the acting, her character is SO grating. I kind of blame her for how long it took me to eventually finish the series.

Making up new names is hard!

I hardly know it!

I'm sorry I don't understand that reference, could you use something more current? Preferably from either the 80s or 90s.

Oooooh! I hadn't heard of this, but I can't wait to check it out! Might wait until I get my PS4 though, seems like a good "couch game"

Don't Make This Weird

There was a time he shut up?! I find that hard to believe.

Planes, Thanos & Automobiles

Planes, Thanos & Automobiles

Smile you son of a terminator!
*gun shot, explosion*