John Bastion

*Looney Toons music*
T-T-T-Th-Th-Th-That's mall folks!

Like Mr. Miyagi once said, the secret to making a good movie is "Faxon, Faxoff. Faxon, Faxoff."

Nope, Peter.

After Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out! it was all downhill for J.D. Salinger.

Our RAs were such dicks, one was just waiting for us to screw up but he would walk in on the girls across the hall while they were drinking and not do shit. He was also kind of a creepy guy and would hit on all his female residents.

Well, I'm alive. So that's…something.

Still going through the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, just finished 6: Freddy's Dead which I LOVED. It was hilarious and absurd way more fun than it had any right to be. All I have left is New Nightmare and Freddy v. Jason (I'll probably watch the remake, but I guess it doesn't really count).

I'm in one of those moods where nothing really sounds fun or entertaining to me, so I'll probably take some time off gaming until I can get myself motivated to play something. I'll still probably throw in some Black Ops 3 multiplayer which is still fun despite the occasionally toxic players. Luckily the last couple

I've got a 22oz of Lagunitas Hop Stoopid in the fridge and some vodka, but I'm trying to take it a little easy this week even though I REALLY want a drink because I've been super stressed out with work/life shit. Waiting for the weekend…and to get paid.

My fucking laptop charger frayed and snapped in half between leaving work yesterday and coming in today, so I was greeted this morning with a shower of sparks in my face. Now I have to use a work machine…ugh. It feels so foreign and strange.

*meekly raises hand*

But what happens once the recycling bin is full? Then they'll have no choice but to use them!

The Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it.

I just want you to know this may be the best thing I've seen all day.

I didn't believe and now I look the fool.

For, you know…hunting!

Thanks Univision!

I think you're on to something there!
*gets served a cease and desist from Dikachu's lawyers*

Pretty much! Although, I fear I may run out of ways to escalate it soon.

Never put the words Netflix and Hannibal that close together ever again! I almost had a heart attack from joy, now I just have crushing disappointment.