John Bastion

“When Univision sends its websites, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending They’re sending websites that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing satire. They’re bringing nerds. They’re trolls. And some, I assume, are good people.”

I knew I liked Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but I didn't know to what extent until the winter break. It's presence is greatly missed and I NEED IT TO COME BACK RIGHT NOW!

Whenever the new season of Bojack is not on Netflix, all the AVClubbers should be asking "Where's Bojack?"


I've briefly heard about that doc, but I've now added it to the top of my list to watch once I finish the series of flicks. Thanks!

That'd be awesome. The timeline of when I'll actually get my PS4 is pretty loose right now, but you can add me (TheRadioCat) on PSN whenever.

I've been going through the Nightmare on Elm Street series this weekend. I just finished 5: The Dream Child earlier tonight which was by far the most boring one of the lot. They've all been fun enough though. I've got two more days off and I'm hoping to finish off the series by then. We'll see.

LOL WTF is Pivot?

I'm on PC for now. I'm hopefully getting a PS4 sometime soon and I'll most likely get it on there too so I can play from the couch. What about you?

You just ASSUME because we're both cats that we're cousins?!

It depends on my mood, if I feel like being serious I'll play ranked but if I'm just kind of fucking around or don't want to "try" I'll do unranked. I don't know about any crazy rotation strategies, but I mainly hate when it's someones turn to defend but they ignore that. I'd say that's how a good amount of goals end

My only strategy was to take them down as fast as possible and this required nearly flawless execution of mostly critical strikes with a couple combo moves tossed in, but some of those eat up too much time that could be used punching. I was actually kind of surprised when I beat it, and I vow never to return there.

UGH that last group of enemies where the non-electric floor starts getting smaller and smaller was awful. I almost gave up at a point.

I didn't have too big of an issue with Robin's but Catwoman's took me fucking FOREVER.

I wasn't aware they had a new album coming, can't wait to check this out!

Oh man, I wish I had people that liked playing defense, I can't stand it. I mostly play in pick up groups though since I don't have any friends who play it so I do what I have to.

I'll probably be dipping in and out of Alien: Isolation since it stresses me out so much when I play it. I'm enjoying it though! I also want to finish off the DLC for Arkham Knight but beyond that I really don't know what I'll play. I might start something new but no clue what. We'll see!

People who don't understand defense rotation in Rocket League are the worst. I blame them for my inability to pass Silver I.

I'll believe it when I see it.

This reminds me I wanted to watch the rest of this series! I watched the first movie for the first time this last October for my horror month, after being burnt out on horror it feels like it's been long enough I can dig back in now.