John Bastion

This reminds me of the time my phone died after a music festival and I was drunkenly looking for a pay phone to call a friend and let them know where I was. All I could find were the hollowed out husks of what once were.

People sharing youtube videos in a restaurant at full volume can get fucked. Have some common decency! I swear. I take my headphones with me wherever I go in case I need them to drown out other fucks.

They have phones in booths now?!

I have no issue paying for Spotify. I get enough use out of it to completely justify it (also I hate ads).

"It's not a job, or a responsibility - it's entertainment and/or art, and should only really be engaged with as long as the viewer/participant is getting something out of it."
I should get this hung above my computer monitor haha

I want to finally get the PS4 I should have gotten last year. Other than that I need to feel okay with not finishing games or not 100% completing them. Like Will I'll keep putting hours in to a game after I stopped having fun out of obligation. I've got too many games to play to keep this up but I hate feeling like I

And I still can't even get a girlfriend…

That means my job here is done
*peels out, speeds away blasting BNL*

Watching X-Files with no lights on
We're dans la maison
I hope the Smoking Man's in this one

I just recently started Hollywood Handbook from the beginning, I'm now only two episodes away from being caught up! I've never done such a 180 on a podcast before.

Perfect, I was just looking for a place to store my grain!

They should follow the Hannibal guide to bypassing censors, just throw more blood on it.

"What, you want a movie about fucking livestock?"

I actually finished it last night, and you are completely right. The further in I got harder it was for me to stop watching. There were so many moments of greatness. I loved it!

Ok. Didn't really do much. I finished up Fallout 4 really early in the weekend which felt like a burden had been lifted. I still enjoyed it, but open world games are getting more and more taxing on me. Plus I had JUST played Witcher 3 before so I need to cool it with those.

You inspired me to watch Warrior of the Lost World. MEGAWEAPON!

Because I'm a broken record I'll restate my love for Happy Endings. I've also started watching Ash Vs. Evil Dead which has been AMAHZING! I haven't seen too many people talking about it but I haven't been disappointed even for a minute.


You just brought piss to a shit fight you little cock!

I had never seen it before Hulu added it to their lineup, but I'm fully on board the Happy Endings train. I keep hearing people put down the first season and although second season has been even better, without proper knowledge, the first season is still really solid and I didn't feel as though I had to "push through"