John Bastion

I'm going to try and make the Mario Kart match! I missed last month because something came up. There's a SLIM chance I'm leaving town today but if not, I'll be burning rubber.

It's funny you mention the fan, that's something I always see people point to as an example of why they don't like the game.

Now that I've decided to move on from Fallout 4 I'm not really sure what I'm going to play. I attempted to hop back in to Mad Max, but I wound up frustrated and rage quit. I may give Alien: Isolation another shot and uuuuuuh more Rocket League/BO3.

Oh yeah, no worries! I didn't expect it if it's something you're working on, just whenever you're finished/it's published!

*sigh* Maybe someday….

" A lot of it's written well, but there's way, way too much of it."
Can't argue that!

Speaking of gaming PCs, have we ever had a proper Steam ID exchange here? I know there's the gameological group on Steam but I'm sure some people haven't joined.

The rift price…that's quite a downer. We use Rifts at my job and I've gotten to fuck around with it which I've enjoyed but there's not nearly enough to justify that price point. I'm really interested in VR but if they don't have some worthwhile content it's gonna sink…fast.

Super Paper Mario got a lot of shit when it first came out but I maintain that it's a really solid/fun game! Sure it's different from the other entries in the series but that doesn't make it bad!

I rescind my expression of joy.

I'm so happy to see you posting again.

Don't thank me, thank too much free time and trying to distract myself!



A studio version of Identikit.
I'm not sure what to expect, but that's part of what is so exciting.

At least you weren't designated Frank like I was…

My group of friends is similar in that regard. It doesn't help that we all love Sunny so it only makes us up our game. The whole shouting SHAME thing is 100% something we've done.

As we learned in Who Pooped the Bed? "Poop is funny!"

I've only heard one or two episodes of her podcast, but I enjoyed them!

Maybe I'll give it another shot, try out some different things. I feel as though there are benefits to doing it, but I just never saw them. I think "keep your mind relaxed and blank" will be the hardest part for me, but hey no harm in trying! I genuinely appreciate you chatting with me about it both times though, so