John Bastion

Don't worry I threw something soft, like a kitten or something.
I have tried meditation before a bit ago (in fact I believe I did so on someone's suggestion here, maybe it was you!) even going as far as to download several different meditation apps to try and help me out. I did it for a bit, but maybe it just wasn't

Oddly enough, it kind of does. Thanks

I don't really have any major changes to my lists, I would probably throw Hateful 8 somewhere on to my movies list but that's about it.

Might have to check that out, it sounds right up my alley.

Rocket League is so much fun, I never thought I'd be any good at it but I'm slowly realizing how much better I've gotten. I still make stupid mistakes but it's so fun I almost don't mind losing. ALMOST.

Yeah, the betrayal thing is kind of weird. I get that the MSG show was a nice button to put on the band's career, but if you love the band wouldn't it be a good thing? It's not like it's JUST a cash grab reunion, James Murphy genuinely wants to create new music so I'll trust him on this one.

Finally "finished" Fallout 4. I kind of wanted to go back and see the other endings but I think I'm ready to move on and play something else.

I haven't been listening to anything new lately, I'm in that mood where I want things I know.

Best part about 2016? More Bojack!
I just wish I could get my friends to watch it, they dismiss it even though I know they'll love it.

Exactly! I need a distraction! Seeing Star Wars is WAY easier than having to deal with that.

Well if not you, then who?
I mean someone has to watch it, right?

I'm actually really jealous. Do you know if the tickets can be transferred in the event of…an accident?

I had one of my better New Years Eves which I spent with a new friend. I'm still not entirely sure it was a date…but I kind of hope it was.We made dinner and drank some wine before going to her friend's party for the rest of the night. It was a lot of fun and we spent almost 10 hours together and never really ran out

Happy birthday! I don't have much to give, but you can have my Sock Wife. I think you guys will get along better than we ever did. You may want to wash her first.

That's awesome, congrats!

TheRadioCat and his hand…

Fuck being broke, fuck not being able to pay my rent on time this month, fuck being out of weed AND alcohol, fuck my precarious emotional state when there's really no reason for it to be this way.

Yesterday was a madhouse. It took me an hour to make my normally 15 min commute, I saw 4 small accidents and a semi was turned sideways blocking three lanes on the freeway. Fun stuff!

I feel your pain. My roommate sprung it on me last month that she's leaving at the end of January. I still haven't found anyone yet and I'm starting to get a bit nervous as there's NO way I can afford rent on my own.

Humaning in the real world is overrated, I miss school.