John Bastion

I've been sucked in to Happy Endings and it's not letting go. It's the best sitcom I've seen in a while and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm just sad that I'm already on season 2 and I know once I hit the end it's done.

I miss Bored to Death. You were taken from us too soon damn it!

Waiting for the payday fairy to grace me with its presence. Until then…It's going to be some pretty dry times. *starts shaking*

Pinedrops is so good! I might like Fresh Squeezed a little more, but they're both awesome!

I'm trying to get better about the whole "love yourself" thing, but it's hard to undo years of self loathing and doubt that have slowly whittled away at my self esteem. I think a lot of it stems from keeping things bottled up and just running them over and over in my head expecting the worst because I just assume

*eye roll*
Don't act like you don't know…

Show me the Morty!

Isn't that adjacent to Funky Town? I've never been, but I hear it's lovely in autumn.

Oh yeah? Well screw all of you, I'm gonna go have fun and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
*blacks out before festival, never makes it*

Oh yeah? Well Yr City's a Sucker!

I think we'd notice a giant bird in a house that we know is already full…er.

Over the last 2 weeks I have joined the Scoop Troop. I've been listening to nothing but Hollywood Handbook and I've already reached episode 86. It may have taken me 3 or 4 attempts at listening to it after hearing how good it was, but this time it finally clicked.

I would like to second questions 8 & 9. Hot Rod journalism has really taken a dive lately, THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT!

OR "If you could go back and kill Hitler but you had to eat him alive in order to do so, would you?"

Well, at least the windmills will keep them cool.

Hey I'm not!
*looks at calendar*
That many years huh?

I'll go back to pretending this movie is about whoever invented spotlights. I believe it was Sir Richard M. Spottington.

Who did the what now?

*adds to Hulu queue*

We need to catch them when they least expect it!