John Bastion

*whispers in to radio watch*

Maybe I'll get back in to Fallout 4…it's been almost two weeks since I played and I feel guilty. I'll do more BO3 multiplayer. And I'll hope I can get around to buying my PS4 by the end of the year. FINGERS CROSSED!

Farewell Spielbergo, it has been an honor serving with you.
*tries to hold back tears*

No argument there.

I had a roommate who said it was his favorite movie and would never shut up about it. This is also a roommate who had both a Scarface and a Goonies poster in his room but hadn't even seen either of them. He was a piece of shit.

Limetown is on my list! I actually just added it in to my podcast app.

My reaction to danger isn't fight or flight, it's "curl up in a ball and hope for the best"

Just turn on Fox News…HEYOOOOO!

*says some Hail Marys*
*begs for death*

You're not my real Jesus! *slams door*

Franco, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Gino was a great addition to the group, I always get a kick out of his character. The lack of Ball Droid was probably my biggest disappointment, I figured it almost HAD to even just make a quick cameo or something.

Maxwell Keeper has quickly worked his way in to my heart. I say MORE!

This list is missing the Improv4Humans episodes with DAWES!

I personally am enjoying Black Ops more than Battlefront. I'm kind of shit at Battlefront though. It's a gorgeous game and it plays well but it just didn't hook me.

Rewatching them before Force Awakens it was hilarious to see how snotty Luke was. He thinks he's tough shit!

I bought it pretty much solely for the multiplayer (I haven't touched the single player, but I heard it's kind of bonkers so I might check it out) and I haven't been disappointed!

Thank you?

0/3! I passed the test! I'm not a dude-bro!
*slams beer*
*puts on upside down visor*
*puts on tank that reads "Suns out, guns out"*

Honestly, Black Ops 3 is the most fun I've had with an FPS in years. I may even buy DLC, something I never again thought I'd say about COD…WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?