John Bastion

But you still don't believe in adult Jesus right?

How could it be too soon? He's not getting any deader.

The A.V. Club

Alright, FINE. FINE. I get it. I'm not allowed to exaggerate for comedic effect on the internet.

Damn it. You're right. But they're both pretty terrible.

Is there anything worse than "pizza culture"?

*has a stroke reading this post*

*drops everything to go listen*

First Valentine's Day, now this? Are you people TRYING to ruin February? It's already the shortest month, stop making it worse!

I said I still drink it! It is a fun drunk, but I almost always feel like death the next morning. Plus I'm Mexican, I can't NOT drink it or I'll be disowned.

I may try and catch up on Gravity Falls this weekend if I have some time. A couple episodes in to season 2 I got wrapped up in other things but I do really enjoy it and want to watch the rest!

I really want to see it as well, but it's playing JUST far enough away from me that it's a hassle to go see since I'm kind of busy right now. Hopefully it opens in a theater closer to me, otherwise I'll have to wait until I'm off work for the holidays.

What do you mean he doesn't understand the internet?
Getting Bill Gates to "close it up" is a perfectly logical and rational thing to say.

I'm starting to look at other jobs, but it took me almost a year to even get this job so I'm worried about diving back in to that world. I know the money is coming soon, so I don't want to jump the gun but it's getting increasingly harder to wait this out.

I'm pretty confident we will get caught up and I'll get what I'm owed. It's really just a matter of time now.

Started watching Catastrophe, it's not the funniest or best show but I'm enjoying the ride. I think Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan have great chemistry which helps. Plus there are only 6 episodes so it's easy to consume.

Some people say Coven is their favorite season. Those people are wrong. It's the season that made me start to give up on the show, I watched about half of the season before giving up/realizing I don't care. The same thing happened with Freak Show, I thought it might be a return to form. Nope, quit halfway through

Tequila always makes me feel awful the next day, it doesn't really agree with my stomach. Yet I still drink it because I'm am idiot and have no self control.

Happy birthday you old so-and-so!

The Bayonetta add was crazy, did not expect that. Also the trailer was a bit peculiar.