John Bastion

The Bayonetta add was crazy, did not expect that. Also the trailer was a bit peculiar.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been feeling this way. I haven't played Fallout 4 in over a week…I really do want to get back in to it but I just haven't had the time or motivation to get some good sessions in.

*toasts glass*

Fuck how broke I am because I haven't been paid since October (long story) and I may not even get paid before the end of the year… Merry fucking Christmas.

I've had two day hangovers and I thought those were bad, but three days?! No thank you!

The "I Drank Too Much Last Night" Thread!

Fuuuuuuuuu… I forgot about Other Space. Why couldn't you have been on any other streaming platform?! You were too good for Yahoo Screen!

Khan you dig it?

Star-Dad, man. Father of the legendary outlaw.


Uuuuuuh YES!


Don't make me choose! Season 2 was fantastic, but my instinct is to say Season 1. I'll need to bust out the season 1 blu-ray and rewatch before I can give a definitive answer.

This made me feel funny, and not "ha ha" funny.

Yeah, Weeds already covered it in their last two episodes that took place IN THE FUTURE!

Rats live on no evil star

Fack, I should have thought about this ahead of time…

I kind of figured the first few episodes would focus on establishing things, good to know! Enjoy Tanis!

I recently burnt through all the available episodes of Tanis after reading some recommendations for it here (In particular, @lindsayfunke last week) I love it! It's just the right amount of mystery and I want to know where it's going. There were a couple moments where MeerCatNip annoyed me with her "How do you not

I'm still not sure I'm sold on the new Whooch format, but it will obviously take some adjustment. I do like that they're doing rotating charts to mix it up.