John Bastion

I'm not sure how widespread they are, but it would be a nice change of pace to do Wahoo's Fish Taco. I also just love that place.

I actually wasn't sure MD fries would make my list. I rarely ever eat there, and when I do it's often breakfast. I can't think of the last time I had their fries, but I always usually enjoy them even though I agree they often fall in to the too salty category.

There aren't very many, but I can think of 2 or 3 A&Ws in SoCal that I know of.

1. Weinerschnitzel
2. Chik Fil A Waffle Fries
3. McDonalds
4. In N Out

Well that's just common sense, why would you have penguins in the amazon?

There are things Amazon doesn't have?!

*blood screams*

Well, he understood the fantasy part, but had no idea what basketball was. He tried to add three griffins and an orc to your roster.

Which is hard to believe because it FEELS so much longer!

Started it, but have not finished it yet! It was just as bizarre as I was hoping, but even I could only stomach so much before taking a break.

Yeah, who is complaining about something like this? Fuck off.

Written by Macklemore

*runs home crying*

I had the same thought, I half expected someone to yell at me for stealing it or something.

He directed a Hulk movie?

You wouldn't like him when he's Ang Lee.

He makes you sound like a stupid science bitch.

Did it feel more real with me than it did with him?

Odd, I didn't have any problems with video playback. The only problem I had was when I would try to go to a specific part of the video it didn't go to the right time.

*eyes @jakegyllenhaal1234:disqus suspiciously *
This looks familiar…