John Bastion

Slightly related: When I went to see Spectre recently they had the typical "Turn Off Your Cellphone" type messages, then they included one that said "Report any suspicious activity" with a picture of Magneto's helmet next to it to make it seem less terrifying.

I did this over the weekend. I actually enjoyed all of the originals more than I expected. The UCB episode was unfortunately the weakest (also the one I was looking forward to the most), I hope further episodes improve. Sammy J & Randy in Ricketts Lane was surprisingly delightful and I will definitely check out the

Don't you think I would if I could?!
It's their winter season! I can't miss out on unlocking the hungry orphans! Plus I can get a Santa's Little Helper snowman!

YOU LIE! Why would lie like that?!

Where can I pre-order this? Preferably on vinyl.

"We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet, and we have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening. We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech,

I started 3 years ago, played for two, took a one year break and thought I had kicked it. Nope. I just fell back in to it. I can say that I haven't taken the next step of spending real money on it, but that's a small consolation.

I am once again a slave to Simpsons Tapped Out and I hate myself for it.

He says that ISIS is recruiting people online especially kids that "want to be masterminds"

Are you in my head? I was going to go with scorpions too! Great minds etc.

*slaps @avclub-6e3b2cb658a36cff9d66c3371c46c4a6:disqus *
You know it does!

I'm hoping it doesn't go until NYE but having experienced similar things in the past, I'm not holding my breath. I may have to resort to making my own Arrested Development marathon..


Caught up with You're The Worst for the finale tonight. I CAN'T WAIT!
I've also been going through the first season of Married which I'm really enjoying, although I'm inclined to like anything Brett Gelman is in.

My roommate has never seen them so we're going to go through the originals this week as well. I haven't seen them in YEARS and I'm pretty excited.

I haven't played Fallout 4 in a couple days, I need to hop back in to it lest it befall the same fate as Skyrim. Meaning I get overwhelmed and just don't pick it back up.

We just had to have that done recently as well, I'm sorry to hear that. It's no fun.

Plus you can use gifs and images! That's as big a selling point as I need!

What about Donald Trump's new plans to get Bill Gates to "close up" the internet?
I just… I don't even have the words any more.
Fuck him eternally.

Note even Bojack Horseman?!?
*slaps @disqus_ArJP0tUYfc:disqus *