John Bastion

There is no Jones, only Zuul.

That's b-a-n-g-b-a-n-g.
And I will see you never at the post office!

At least if the arctic elephant is tame it shouldn't be too difficult to put in a cage.

It sounds like they went for a mix of Tame Impala and recent Arctic Monkeys. At the risk of sounding pretentious (which is what a pretentious person would say), I liked their first album but haven't really been blown away by anything since.

Tronald Dump

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Tron
The Tronmower Man
King Tron

Hey, if his shoes were still on it's fair game. Thems the rules!

Stupid pretentious babies….

It makes me think of the Arrested Development scene where GOB is throwing the company Christmas party and trying to get people to enjoy themselves.

I've started adapting this playstyle lately because I will just end up wandering. Don't get me wrong, I still love playing that way but then I look at my quest log and if anything it just get's longer. So now I try to do at least a couple quests/goals with some exploring peppered in.

I do have one and I agree it's best for local multiplayer, but the problem is most of my friends don't really game anymore which means it's a rare opportunity that I get to use it for that. I still love the console and have no regrets, but It's not being used to it's full potential. Hell, I have the Smash Bros GC

I have one! It has been feeling neglected though… I played through most of Yoshi's Woolly (I'm never going to spell that word right on the first try) World recently. Do you have any recommendations? I already have a good number of their exclusives: Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Smash Bros, Mario

Thanks for the heads up! I watched half the season then life got in the way. If it wasn't so late I'd be watching it this instant.

"general complete and total exhaustion with open world games this year"

As long as you're responsible with it…

If we go a whole week without a mass shooting we get to pick out anything we want from the toy store!

"Maybe he just needs a friend. Good comments don't always get the upvotes they deserve; those usually go to the rehashed ones." - ArgieBargie TheRadioCat

I thought it was a joke…. The joke is on me.

*entire crowd claps in unison*

I agree, they had probably given up at that point so why not?