John Bastion

To be fair Always Sunny did write an episode around telling awards shows to go fuck themselves.

I stepped away from Authority a while back. I'd like to give it another go though because I really did enjoy the first one. It's good to know 3 is an improvement, maybe this will motivate me to pick 2 back up.

Next you're going to tell me drinking from the bottle isn't considered "a glass" of wine. Then what is the bottle made of idiot?!

Fuck yeah!
*leaves work for impromptu Sunday Funday to celebrate*

I still haven't really run in to The Institute yet, they're still just "the boogeyman" right now. Although I expect that to change soon, but I may have to kill them too. Synth rights!

Go away, Samurai Jackin' it!

Hey webhead! With great power comes great responsibility…to turn off the dark!

More Fallout 4, I found my second vault yesterday and somehow it was even more boring than the first one I found. It was just overrun with raiders and the experiment wasn't all that interesting. Snore.

Even though I don't have a PS4 JUST yet, I'm hoping to get one by the end of the year with Destiny, but my Playstation name is TheRadioCat (shocking I know).

I did it!

I just recently got a PS3 and I've been playing through all the old games (PS2 included!) that I never got the chance to due to not owning a Playstation. Being behind in gaming can be great, it's much cheaper!

I've been suffering from a pretty nasty chest cold the last two days, so I've been hacking up a lung and dripping like a faucet nonstop. Fuck that shit!

Sending good vibes your way.

I was sick yesterday so I watched the first 6 episodes of Galavant. It doesn't quite touch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend in my mind, but there are some great moments that had me chuckling.

"Still haven't beaten that gift."

"Hey, you know what always cheers you up? Baking me a nice tray of sugar cookies!"

Seeing the Just My Imagination CBB video here made me so damn happy. Just had to share.

I'm in a similar position. I've got the Gaming PC/Wii U combo and it mostly works for me, but there are like two games I want for PS4 and I can't really justify that.

Blergh, one of the only games that makes me want to cave and buy myself a PS4. *sigh* Maybe some day…. *listlessly stares out nearby window*

I hope they like washed out, blurry photos.