John Bastion

Still playing Fallout 4. I tried my first real attempt at building up one of my settlements and it went…poorly. I don't have nearly enough resources to do what I want so I'm going to have to go on some scavenging runs. I can see how this could take up a lot of time. Not sure I want to go down that hole.

I second this.

"as I read the article"

Eyes Sewn Shut

Edge of Tomb-morrow

Or Bob Hoskins as Mario.

That's another favorite, even if just for this exchange:


I'll probably give it a shot, to be honest I kind of forgot it even existed. Maybe I'll make it a double feature with tonight's CEG!

Well maybe I didn't watch that show!

I'll get in on some of that happy dancing, it's the weekly musical comedy I never knew I needed!

"Settle For Me" has been stuck in my head since that episode aired…

Don't say something like that! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will live on forever! *sobs*

It really was a game changer.

Run as far as you can. I just got dragged back in to the Simpsons Tapped Out after 2 years clean.

"Some say unholy things happen in those episodes."

This is good rock 'n' roll, uh, music.

I wasn't crazy about the event but I didn't hate it. I missed the very beginning, but I was able to get Kodos (or Kang, I don't remember either), X Files Burns, and Hugo which is enough to justify it in my eyes.

It's pretty close to the original, I was trying to do a kind of 8-bit effect on it since I'm going "retro" but it didn't really work so now the colors are just a bit more saturated. Screw you online guide!

Yes please.