John Bastion

But if you gamble and win you can buy MANY books and Netflixes!

I'm broke as a joke right now, but that should hopefully turn around before the Kickstarter ends so I'll get to it eventually.

I thought I had kicked the habit, but I recently had a coworker trick me in to playing again and I can't stop.

Good thing you put this up when you did, I almost thought of doing it and NO ONE wants that.

No thank you.

What do we do?!?

Whenever Jon Snow is not on screen, all the other characters (and fans) should be saying "JON SNOW CAN'T BE DEAD, THERE'S NO WAY HE'S DEAD!"

I haven't stopped listening to the new album since it came out!


Unfortunately I have not found a weapon yet worthy of a name. I have some fine legendaries but I'm not really attached to any of them.

Not yet, but I stopped playing right before the mole rat segment.

Can I also drink plenty of alcohol in real life? Thanks for the tip, I'm excited to see where this goes!

I know we've said Trump stopped being funny in the past, but this is next level. The amount of support is just…I feel like I'm going crazy.

I'll add to the choir of Fallout 4 players. Finally found my first vault (courtesy of a tip from @Whovian ). I'm also slightly getting bogged down in the amount of quests I have picked up from exploring. I may spend some time cleaning it up before I explore much more.

OOOPH. I'm sorry, a really bad corrupted save can cause me to completely give up on a game if I lost enough time. I commend you for attempting again. In the event I want to push through and already know what I need to do I like to put on some music or a podcast to distract me enough from the fact I just did it.


Atom Bomb Baby, it dug in to my brain and won't get out.

"Dude, we're living in the Golden Age of Television"

I want this as a motivational poster above my desk.

Hmmm I never considered using multiple accounts for revenge plots, this idea intrigues me.