John Bastion

I had to rewatch that part, I'm so goddamn excited for this new season to start! Also to add to the continuity point, I love Cricket's descent from priest to deformed homeless person all due to The Gang's antics.

I think there are actually a lot of quests once you get in to it. My Quests tab is almost overwhelming right now with everything I've picked up from just wandering and exploring.

I would have gone with MemenTWO.

Yeah, I mainly know him from when I used to listen to the Nerdist podcast and his weekly Meltdown show with Kumail Nanjiani but I know he's a genuinely huge fan and will probably be up to the task.

What do you think of Jonah Ray as Joel's choice for new host?

Happy birthday! How are you liking Fallout 4? I've already sunk many (some might argue too many) hours in to it.

Mostly played Fallout 4. I took a couple sick days so it was a nice long weekend. I also watched all of W/ Bob and David which I loved, and finally got around to Ex Machina which I also really enjoyed. Nice relaxing weekend of holing up in the house and leaving only when absolutely necessary.

Every week is Cop Week, not that we necessarily like it that way.

"Binged" (if you can call it that for 4 episodes) all of W/ Bob and David and it was everything I wanted. Heaven is Totez for Realz was a personal favorite.

♫Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down♫

I just recently watched The Others for the first time. I had no clue about the twist and it took me by surprise. Nicole Kidman was amazing in it, plus surprise Christopher Eccleston!

WOOO! Top 10! I'm just going to enjoy this while it lasts.

I have to thank you, that provided some much needed laughs.

Oh man… I might have to look up some of those band scenes because that sounds right up my alley in terms of cheese.

HELL YEAH! Something good happened. Well good for me, I have Wicked City in the league. So…good to know! Never actually watched the show, but the trailers looked dreadful.

I've been feeling the same way about the map. I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect it to be a bit bigger but there's still a lot to explore so far.

Still have at least another 3 hours until I get home but multiple strong drinks sound like just what the doctor ordered for tonight…

Oooh! The source filmmaker boot camp sounds interesting, I'll post a comment there later when I get home.

Banjo and Kazooie in Smash Bros is something I've dreamed of for years. If it ever actually happened I don't know what I'd do with myself..

The only thing I've noticed when they "mutate" is when I get their health low, it fills back up and they start glowing. Maybe they're more powerful as well? Not sure either.