John Bastion

If I take a break from Fallout this weekend maybe I'll give it a shot!

I too will be getting in on the Fallout 4 action. I don't have a specific moment, but I love how I'm encouraged to explore. I feel like there are a lot more "Legendary" enemies that have cool unique loot which I really enjoy. I feel like I'm rewarded for wandering. As far as bugs, I really haven't hit any game

I picked up BO3 on a whim just for the multiplayer and I am not diappointed. The last COD game I bought was MW2 and I can't get enough of the multiplayer. I have zero interest in the single player though.

Snowpiercer II: Cartilage Piercing

Who doesn't crave a California Cheeseburger every once in a while?

Netflix and bongs have been working together long before this.

Thou shalt guess the price of an item without exceeding its value

No pain, no game!

The Cubs.


"Digital Horseshit" is my electro crust punk band.


I missed the initial batch of the Pip Boy editions, then there was a limited amount in the second batch and Amazon had already sold out so I jumped on the Best Buy train while they still had it. I've never actually pre ordered from Best Buy (and I wouldn't normally gamble with not getting it on release day) but

That's comforting to hear, I've never pre ordered from them before but I had to in order to get the Pip Boy Edition. Work is going to be torture tomorrow knowing it could arrive at any moment!

*chants* GO! GO! GO!

I was attempting to do that, but I just recently had to admit defeat because I fell so far behind. I'll still push forward but there's no way I finish by then.

I never said they were perfect!

Easy. Take MORE days off! I'm actually taking some sick days this week to immerse myself in Fallout. I suppose I can take a couple breaks for some Netflix.

With this, Master of None, With Bob and David, and Jessica Jones Netflix owns my soul this month.

Best Buy better not fuck me on this. If my game doesn't come tomorrow and I have to wait ANOTHER day…heads will roll.