John Bastion

It's 2015, the Monkey King can be a Monkey Atheist!

"Backers who pledge a certain amount will not only get free copies of the magazine, but also a chance to be enrolled in a monthly game club in which you and other nerds will play a specific game and then chat about it together. "

Baby, it'll blow your mind.

I'm at a place called Vertigo!

I'm surprised I haven't heard it in a store or something yet. Then again how would I know if I heard it, if I don't know what it sounds like? Whatever.


Van Hersing

There are dozens of us! DOZENS!

I only had time for one horror movie this weekend, The Others. Nicole Kidman blew me away, and I have to admit I didn't really know where the movie was going, but I loved where it ended up.

Oooh that's good to hear, I really enjoyed 2 and Black Flag. If Fallout 4 wasn't right around the corner I'd pick it up. I'll probably hold out for a price drop though.

Where would you say Syndicate ranks with the other games? It's the first one I've been interested in, in a while.

Friday I had to work late so I didn't get to have any fun.
Saturday though I went to visit a friend and have a Halloween. I was excited to drink copious amounts of alcohol after a very busy week. It was fun but ruined my Sunday where I spent most of the day trying not to throw up while drifting in and out of sleep. (Oh

I've listed some of them in other threads, but once I finish up I'll probably post my results in WoT or something. Originally I was hoping to keep updates every so often but life got in the way. STUPID LIFE!

I had/have 6 left to complete my 31. I had 0 time this weekend to watch more so hopefully I can fit the rest in this week.

That's not a bad idea for a resolution I can do next year… I have a whole spreadsheet of movies I want to watch but never get around to chipping away at it.

I have the same thing where I usually have time to watch a movie but opt for some episodes of a show as it seems like less commitment. I figured I could translate that time in to movies but apparently it didn't work so well.

I'm actually headed out of town tomorrow so I doubt I'll have much time. I'm hoping to finish it up Sunday. Only one day over isn't too bad.

I have to commend you on the number of horror movies you've watched this month. I've been struggling to keep up with my goal of 31 horror movies over 31 days. I definitely should have planned it out better.

I'm not sure we'll ever know the true lyrics.

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