John Bastion

Mommy, daddy, please stop fighting.

I call it The Aristocrats!

Heaven is a hashpipe.

*takes sip out of coffee mug with a question mark on it*

I actually got in to the Battleborn beta so I'm excited to give that a spin. Unfortunately I'll be gone most of the weekend so I won't have a lot of game time. Which is extra disappointing because MY NEW GRAPHICS CARD FINALLY CAME! 2 weeks later. So a lot of the time I do have will be spent maxing out all my settings

Ya know, I never thought of it that way. If anyone brings it up I'll use that explanation! Then they'll probably just look confused and walk away.

Foxy boxing? I love foxy boxing! It combines my two favorite things, boxing and referees!

Same! I have some extra sick days I need to get rid of. And well… it's going to be a full throttle stay-cation for me. Close the blinds, lock the doors, crack some brews. GAME ON!


Thanks to modern technology I actually see very few ads in my day to day life.

Actually, yeah. My biggest complaint was the lack of content, end game progression, and required investment. It was also annoying not having anyone to do raids with. Hopefully people are still playing by the time I eventually get it.

I haven't played Destiny since initial release really, but I've heard it has improved vasttly. I'm trying to get a PS4 by the end of the year, do you think it would be worth picking Destiny up again if I've already played through? I really enjoyed the mechanics, but I just kind of got bored with it after a while

I finally finished the Behemoth that is Witcher 3! In an odd way I feel relieved. I still have the DLC to play (which I bought for the Gwent cards because I'm a nerd) but I'm waiting on my new graphics card for that.

I'm going to the Adult Swim Drive In tonight, so there should be some animation there! Beyond that, I checked out a couple episodes of the Major Lazer show and while not the greatest show, it's entertaining enough plus the episodes are pretty short.

I'm sorry. I've let you down Dik. I've let all of you down!

We have that here too. I don't use it too often, but it is such a nice feature to have when you need/want it. One morning on a whim I decided I wanted a new videogame and it was here later that evening! The future is wild!

I don't really believe in ghosts, but when I was a kid I was always weirded out by this one bathroom at a relative's house. I just got weirded out when I would go in there and it had a creepy vibe. I used to say it was "haunted" Fast forward to many years later I come to find out that I had an aunt through marriage

I heard Beyonce is actually just a human suit filled with gerbils.

I've been trying to cut back on my weekday drinking, so in the past week all I've had are 22s of Lagunitas' Maximus and Hop Stoopid.

*raises glass*