John Bastion

Hey, one out of three ain't bad!

Pffft! Amateurs, coffee creamer is where the real money is at.

You CAN if you believe hard enough!

Those damn things are still here? The landlord told me the exterminators were coming last Thursday…

"You're nothing but skin and bones! Eat up! You'll never get married looking like that."

People have really been Jonesing for another one of these movies huh?

Indiana Jones and the Stem Cells of Youth

DAMN IT! I had it all typed out and everything.

Also, what number was he on the call sheet?

Don't blame me, I voted for Paris Hilton

At first I thought it was a bit, but everything I've seen since has made me think otherwise. :\

I experienced my first live Harmontown this past weekend at Festival Supreme and it got me back in to the podcast. I fell off earlier this year because I grew kind of bored with the Shadowrun segments mostly, but after the live show I remembered how good the rest of it is so I'm catching back up.

"Who Pooped the Bed?" is one of my all time favorite Sunny episodes. Poop is funny!

Pfft. More like SHILLary! *J/O motion*

"I REALLY like the vest!"

I've only played maybe two games of Walker Assault, but that seems accurate. Dice is pretty good about eventually balancing things so we'll see how it comes out.

Yeah! It's pretty fun right? It kind of sucks not having the abilities when everyone else does but it doesn't take long to catch up.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta has been pretty fun so far. I'll probably splice in some matches of that in between more Witcher 3 (I'm going to finish Witcher 3 before Fallout 4 even if it kills me!)

I watched this yesterday (when you said you would!) and I really enjoyed it. I thought the it did some interesting things with the concept and was just the right level of crazy.Benny was my favorite character for his line: "OH! Beers!"

Every time something good happens to me you say it's some kind of madness
…or I'm drunk
…or I ate too much candy.