John Bastion

I've been getting the itch to see a show recently but all the ones I've attempted have either sold out or conflicted with my schedule. I'm trying to go to one or two festivals happening near me this month so maybe that will change.

There is nothing I wish I could do more.

The new Wavves album, V, is streaming on NPR's First Listen and I'm loving it. Chvrches has been getting heavy play. I'm still not sure I like it as much as the first album, but it's still great just seems a bit more melancholy in general. Also more FIDLAR as always

That's a great idea to lay out a spreadsheet like that, I might have to see if I can set one up by tomorrow. I was just going to figure it out as I go along but that will probably make my chances of success even slimmer. I may steal some off your list.

That would be awesome, thanks!

The new Wavves album, V, is streaming on NPR's First Listen and I'm loving it. I can't remember the last time I've had so much great new music to listen to!

My roommates bathroom sprung a giant leak through one of her light fixtures the other day. Luckily it was above the shower and she wasn't in it but it's a pain the ass because it was our annoying neighbor upstairs fucking with his plumbing that caused it. This is the same neighbor who blasts and sings along to

Rats live on no evil star.

October Horror Movies Thread!

But they're attached to my face!

*gruff voice*
There will.

*sadly puts away rubber chicken*

But will there be jokes?


Ryan Reacher? But I hardly know 'er!

I just now learned that Jack Ryan is a separate thing from Jack Reacher.

It's memes all the way down.

I usually get splinters when I wood bang.

Twist: Tom IS a flat circle.

I too held off on commenting due to the fear of being yelled at.