John Bastion

That's pretty cowabunga dude!

"Segway-riding warriors"

No! It's too soon! I don't even have a lawn to keep kids off of yet!

The AC only let me take pics if I promised not to show them to anyone.

I'm growing increasingly irritated with the amount of "Netflix and chill" shit people keep spewing like it's at all original, clever, or funny. NO. Just stop.

*hisses, arches back*

My entire family uses MY account…I think I'm doing something wrong.

They're mostly puns and word play. So dumb.

There's a trend of them removing certain holiday themed movies around the time of that holiday. I wouldn't be surprised if there are deals in place since I'm sure horror movies make way more money in rentals and purchases in October.

I learned it from watching you!
*runs away weeping*

I'm totally doing that the next time I play.



*eye roll, jerk off motion*

That song doesn't usually last three hours, but we got into a serious thing… and then I forgot how it ended.

Does this include the Monsters of Vaguely Folkish Alterna-Rock?

It's Krang!

That may be the first one in the category, but you on the other hand are another in a long, long line of CancerAIDS victims.

Wait, who is that?

I would kill for some commentary tracks, even just for their Netflix exclusives. What I'm trying to say is gimme some Bojack Horseman commentary damn it!