John Bastion

Stole this one from an episode of Childrens Hospital I watched last night:

Those Simpsons "impressions" still haunt me.

Upvote for "Gail the Snail style"

I always use "cum" (phrasing) because that's how I was raised.

I was so confused. I watched that youtube pilot only half paying attention and I don't think I even finished it but I kind of assumed it was just the first 10 minutes of the episode posted online.

This was perfect, thank you!

My only knowledge of that film was an ad I saw maybe twice and Paul Scheer playing a guy on CBB promoting it and telling everyone to "Ride like hell"

My ex wife was quite the cheetah too…with 5 different guys!

Kangaroo Doo Doo!

I'm more of a Basset Hound man myself.

Whoever these people are, they are not your friends. RUN.

And the fact that there were 100 episodes made.

When Netflix sends its shows, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending shows that have lots of problems (Hemlock Grove). They’re bringing drugs (Narcos). They’re bringing crime (Orange Is The New Black). They’re rapists (Upcoming Adam Sandler Movies).

Does Terriers get better after the first episode? Because I watched it a while back and remember being bored. *puts on suit of armor*

Burn all the books!
*Blasts Alice Cooper's "School's Out"*

My favorite "stating the facts" porn title I've seen is "They did not even get naked that's how eager they were to fuck" I had to write it down because it made me laugh so hard.

Funny story, they kicked me off the project when I wanted to make it about the band, The Police. They opted for a different direction.

I'm Consistent Bowel Movement Man!

Does that mean movie audiences are actually super heroes?

Hey, I complain about cops PLENTY.