John Bastion

That Bible thumping goodie goodie…

Because weed is a gateway drug and now I'm strung out in the gutter.

I was gonna read this article, but then I got high.


Oh. My. I had never heard this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

The Laugh Factory…You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

You've seen it, you can't un-see it!
Stay tuned for more Tales of Interest Scientology!

Also the wig and hat (arguably the pieces that make the costume identifiable Trump) are sold separately!

Sure, why not?

Juan Hamon from Mad Money?

I'm hoping they'll include The Fat Boys' "Are You Ready For Freddy?" ft. Freddy Krueger. Which is a thing that happened.

Last week some people were saying how much they disliked the Wompler episode, but I really enjoyed it! I thought they actually avoided too much rehashing or explaining which can be an issue with the Wompler episodes. It did get kind of chaotic with so many people but I loved the energy and cracked up SO HARD at the

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…


What day is today?
It's @avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus birthday,
What a day for a birthday,
Let's all have some cake.

Ok. Saturday I had a friend from college pass through town so we got some lunch and beer at a local brewery. It was nice but also reinforced that I don't do enough with my weekends. I spent most of the rest of the weekend doing some variation of video games, weed, beer, and Childrens Hospital. I watched part of the

I can't wait to pick up a bunch of shows and drop most of them in the first couple of weeks!

Your hand?

Character actress Margot Martindale*

I like him! But I choose to ignore his Dexter role.