John Bastion

Question two: Where is the Weekend Box Office Newswire?!

Yes, but they're gentle which is a lot less painful than explosive herpes.

We're all dying, Gentle Herpes.

I was so happy to see The Time Keeper come back. Him listing all the TV shows he likes that have to do with time had me cracking up.

That's my biggest problem with these episodes, all the re-hashing can be annoying. That's why I'm enjoying Womp It Up, they assume you're familiar enough with the characters and just explore the "Womp-iverse"

Maybe you ALL are stuck between The Walk and a hard place too!

Spoon Nation!

JGL's attention was split by The Walk and the Stone movie.

I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm ecstatic we finally got this years Womptacular! Time to womp up the jamz!

"What is best in business?"

"You're Terminated" ™

That's my cousin, he's been a little off ever since someone heated up their soup with the spoon still in it.

I thought you guys said that was court mandated!

She'll make a real purty corpse. Heh heh heh. *licks lips*

We are never, ever, ever gonna solve this case.

These puns are really driving me batty.

Been really busy this weekend, so I haven't watched much. BUT tomorrow I'm going to see Mad Max Fury Road at the IMAX! And I can't fucking wait. I'm going with three of my friends who haven't seen it yet. They don't even know what's in store.

I'm very happy to see any recognition go to Over The Garden Wall!

Oh shit, I can't believe I almost missed signing up for this.