John Bastion

I don't have Mario Maker yet, but here is my ID if anyone wishes to add me: RadioCat27

Grow Home is fantastic, picked it up on a whim and I may have finished it in one seating…

Plowing through Mad Max. Just accessed the second half of the map and the storms up there are way scarier than the first half meaning I have not survived one yet. If by some miracle I finish Mad Max this weekend I'm going to get in on the Witcher 3 sale on steam right now. Finally see what all the hubub is about.

I've been trying! It's harder than you would think.

Zooey Deschanel is still getting paid, so she's going to be Meriwether or not this is true.


Don't have a cow, boy.

I've heard their live shows are pretty inconsistent. I've seen them twice, once was at a festival where the sound was kind of messed up and Isaac was pissed and started ranting for a while. The second time I saw them was only a week later at a smaller venue and they killed it. Just an all around awesome show.

I ran out of blank skin to tattoo it on.

Luna Park?!

*looks through comments*
Note to self: Never bring up being a Modest Mouse fan on AVC

Just catch Missingno, problem solved.

That's how he steals your soul!

James Corden?

Awesome, thanks!

Definitely, I'll pop it on when I get home! What's it called? Just Tolerability Index?

Ok, I've had some time to think about it now

You'd be cranky too if Patrick Dempsey was stealing a role from you.

What a bunch of druggies!

Ah, the lovable lads from Liverpool! I heard they got by with a little help from their friends.