John Bastion


If I'm playing a game where the sound doesn't matter, like picross or sonic I either have the sound off or I'll listen to a podcast or music while I play. I don't know if I really have an opinion on if the music was better then or now. Music back in the day had to contend with the technical limitations of the time but

I think you mean Benny Schwaz.

Rich 57 is the poor 36.

The one that caused me the most confusion was The Prestige and The Illusionist. At the time, I never knew which people were talking about.

Why must you turn my office HBO into a Wizard of Lies?!

Oh, they know about the cloud dude.
*exhales smoke*

And that was before the fire even started.

Especially if you add on the "Kind of a lot." right after.

The AVC Prize Patrol will be at your house soon to inject present you with CancerAIDS.

I MIGHT check out the first few episodes or so even though I declared I was done when I quit halfway through Freak Show. I kind of just want to watch it so I can comment on the reviews.

American Horror Story: Murphy's Law

Hmmm, now what should we call our publishing company?
*looks around Starbucks*
Well there are a lot of writers here in this coffee shop.


That's exactly where I stopped playing too. Never finished it, which is torture to me.

Totally. When he was doing it I was almost taken off guard, where I was expecting to laugh I had more of a "huh?" Like I said to @flagonthemoon:disqus you can tell he spends a lot of time refining his jokes for stand up and has his timing down so well that they just down play well when he's forced to change them.

You can definitely tell he spends a lot of time on honing his craft. I saw him do a stand up set (even before the TV taping) that was all new material I hadn't heard before but he STILL hasn't released a new special and that was almost two years ago!

I'm allergic to cats as well but I don't let that influence my love of them. I still pick them up and cuddle with them but after I can barely breathe for a while. A small price to pay.

Damn you…now I'm going to have the songify version of that stuck in my head all day!

You'll be dead!