John Bastion

You best watch yourself.

I actually went to a taping of this show. I went on the last day which was when they recorded all of his stand up bits for the intros so I didn't know how dire the actual show would be. It was great getting to see him essentially just do stand up for us but even then I could see some cracks. Obviously they had to

I really need to stop looking at comments at the end of articles but my curiosity gets the best of me and I'm just angry forever.

The island has magical powers, don't question it!

Orange is the New Black

"Daniel Dae…"

Please, off campus I'm just a Craig-ular Joe!

"hasn’t said much about Paula"

On the plus side maybe I'll have time to catch up with the show over the weekend?

I'm pretty sure it was the Krampus episode that was delayed a year after Sandy Hook. They may have made some edits though?

They sound…similar.

I knew people who would do that with a hookah. They would put vodka in instead of water and they claimed that it made the vodka so smooth "Bro you don't even need a chaser bro"

Everything is edible if you try hard enough.

We were talking about how there could be beings all around us that we have no earthly way of perceiving. They're the ones pulling the strings!

"God bleth this meth!"

That's only because I get really in to what I'm doing and forget to eat!

The scary part is your description isn't far off from Kanye's performances. She's becoming the very thing she hates!

You liar! You don't have a home business former relationship with Annie Clark! Why would you make up a lie like that?

Thank you!

Batman is up against his toughest villain yet, puberty!