John Bastion

Gotham Season 2: WE HAVE THE JOKER NOW! (please watch)

If we sing it here do we have to pay royalties?

I haven't seen either of those ones, but I have seen Unedited Footage of a Bear and In Search of Miracle Man which are both great as well. I love Adult Swim's Infomercial programs so I'll have to check them out, thanks!

The band Monobody (who I think was mentioned in a newswire here a while back) just had their music added to Spotify and I've been grooving to it ever since. It's a math-rock type band that's very jazzy and interesting. Highly recommended!

That's my biggest fear. You're a strong person.

I guess this is kind of animation related, but I went to a comedy show sponsored by Cartoon Network on Saturday where they had animators from shows do illustrations about what the stand ups (who are also on the shows) were talking about. So that was great! I also got some buttons out of it with Jake, Rigby, and Hot

*sobs softly while trying to act in to it*

Filthy Sexy Teen$ on Adult Swim was hilarious and apparently they're making it in to a Youtube show so I will keep watching that and tell people to check it out!

Is that even a question?
*chugs whole Sapporo*
*grabs Sapporo from @icecreamplanet:disqus 's hand, chugs it*

I finally got around to making some Summah drinks!

WOOO KEGGER! *takes off sports jersey and spins it around head*

He's an Instagram celebrity who takes memes and jokes off twitter and whatever other places and puts them up on Instagram without attributing the source. He makes a point of cropping out any identifying information and just writes a shitty joke under the pic. He goes as far to copy and paste (typos and all) tweets

*shakes uncontrollably, sips from flask*
He promised he would stop. HE PROMISED!

My mom!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank alcohol!
*takes huge swig of drink*

That's Doug Benson, Birbiglia is the one with the sleeping disorder who (SPOILERS FOR SLEEPWALK WITH ME)

You and I are enemies now.

I'm so happy to see Birbigs getting more work, he's great!

Listen, there's a difference between talking about it and shoehorning it in to conversations to bring up the fact you watched a documentary. I'm not saying there aren't conversations to be had on the topic, I'm saying some people need to give it a rest.

Gentlemen! Save it for the protest masturbation!