John Bastion

Go ahead, you've never bothered to ask for permission before.

Put it on a hat or I don't believe you.

Of course.

I'm going to stick it to this group (phrasing!) by going home and jerking off tonight.

Meanwhile Jeff Winger is still stuck at community college.

*makes a scale gesture with hands weighing the two options*

How do you know if someone has seen Blackfish?
Don't worry they'll tell you.

"Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant. "

I'm so happy to hear he's keeping busy!

If you've seen one Beatle you've seen them all, save some money and go see Ringo. Just go to his house, it's listed on his website.

Distributor? I hardly know 'er!

I hope it's not that gritty powder, I hate that stuff!

I think you mean she ended up having to Shake It Off!

I was going to say something about Dave Coulier, but instead I actually watched the video and at around 0:53 Taylor is either going in for a hug and gets DENIED or she is trying to eat Alanis like a zombie.

RIP Smarf

"…in a case of 'too many cooks spoil the process of pointing a camera at Rob Lowe and making it funny.'"

*everyone in comment section in unison*

*cut to courtroom*
While the reference in question was not from the television program Community, this court finds the program of origin (Review) to be an acceptable level of quality. The reference stands!
*court cheers*

"If you think you're over preparing, you're not."