John Bastion

I'll allow it.

Take this BIC pen, if you can!

Yeah, it's called the majority of my Facebook feed.

I have also just done this. Well, my equivalent of that which is writing a note in my phone to read it.


Make us proud!

This is some cBS, I was going to say that!


As someone who has been complaining about him and telling people not to support him for a while, this FatJew backlash is giving me all sorts of warm fuzzies.

"It's like the thrill of being near the executioner's switch, knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will. But you could.
Never isn't the right word, because I could, and I might.
I probably will."

When are they finally going to release their album Iron Maiden Manhattan based on the Jennifer Lopez movie?

It was really hard not to. The moment I would have creamed was right after we got there we went to stand in line and as we were waiting I heard a familiar voice. I look to my right and I'm practically standing on top of Billy West who was sitting in the chair right next to me. Pretty surreal.

I just finished the second episode of Tales From the Borderlands last night, and I've been saying the exact same thing as you. The tone and humor is spot on and it's great to get to spend more time in that world because I love the Borderlands games. I'm trying to take my time a little because I don't want to catch up

"I know! I hate how we only have most of the power instead of all of it."

Not really stand up, in fact before the show he was hanging out in the store talking to fans and specifically said he tried stand up a long time ago but was terrible at it so he doesn't do it anymore. He got on stage and just talked about some of his experiences and did some voices. The host kind of facilitated the

Congrats on the condo!

Now this is baby naming!

I'm in the same boat, and the Babysitting clip from the intro never fails to make me laugh. So perfect and dark, especially the cop saying "Over here"

As lube?! You sick fuck.

You're using them wrong.