John Bastion

Yay Playing House! It's such a nice change of pace from what I normally watch but so fun you can't help but love it.

I just got back from a comedy show where I got to see BILLY WEST! I constantly gush in the Futurama reviews about how amazing I think he is as a voice actor so it was a treat to see him get up on stage for a bit was great. He also brought up one of my favorite Fry lines "No I'm doesn't" And before the show he was just

Hey those minion memes don't spread themselves.

Some of mine have been touched on, but anytime someone says "bees" or "beads" I have to shout the opposite one back at them in a confused manner.

It makes me unreasonably happy that so many other people do this. It's second nature to me if I'm grabbing something from someone.

I've said this a couple times lately without thinking and I realize my friends have never seen the show so I just seem like an asshole.

I want to check out Blunt Talk. I loved Bored to Death so I've got to at least give it a shot.

I'll be playing at least another episode of Tales From The Borderlands which I'm really enjoying. I've always loved the world of Borderlands so getting to spend more time there is a treat and Telltale has really captured the tone and spirit of that world, I can't wait to see where the story goes.

What is this, a crossover episode?!

I don't think you get the (VERY FUNNY) joke. You see there was a movie released recently called Straight Outta Compton named after the NWA album and song of the same title. Now what this video has done in a bit of hilarious parody is alter the song so it is now about Gotham with its heroes and villains!

Because FBI stands for Female Body Inspector, haven't you seen the shirts? They want to help you!

I thought it ended right after the one guy's genitals fall off in to the urinal. At least that's where I stopped watching, it went out on a high note!

I thought they were finally adapting my short story about IBS, this is much less exciting.

We're not allowed to watch movies in hell. The Devil says they promote violence and sexual deviance. Nice guy, just really strict.

"franchise potential"

I can enjoy some good FPS multiplayer on occasion (just last weekend I played a couple BF4 matches) but it's not something I can do too often.It's hard for me to just spend time playing multiplayer when I have so many other games I want to play. Then again, I've played Bioshock Infinite three, maybe four times so as

I watched this last night and it was great! For $4 you can't go wrong. I only wish it were longer. Andy Daly plays the bus which was a nice surprise to hear him pop up in this, he makes anything he is in better.

The goggles, they did nothing!
- Matt Murdock

I agree with you on all your points, but the sensitivity thing is especially a problem for me. I can never find the right balance and I hate when it's too twitchy. My old roommate was really good at shooters and it made me dizzy watching how high up he would put the sensitivity.

I have a similar playstyle. I would say I'm ok at shooters, but I don't really give a shit about dying too much and I sacrifice myself just to get a kill or something. I'm not careful in my playstyle partially because I just want to have fun with it.