John Bastion

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

The joke's on you, I'm broke!

Then how do YOU know? Hmmmmm?

Oh I couldn't possibly be on camera!
*straightens bow tie, smiles, winks*

Shit, that was…bleak.

*pulls down pants and "Moons The Man"*

I don't wanna do my homework!
I want Chicken 4 Dayz!


I wasn't sure how I felt about this at first, but the more I hear about it, I'm kind of on board. Like you said, I've spent hundreds of hours listening to their podcasts for absolutely nothing (other than seeing two of the live shows). I was actually just thinking the other day how there were a bunch of the old live

Word of advice, their customer service is really good. I forgot to cancel mine a while back, I just called in and they refunded me the money. Try it!

Even though I'm something of a completionist (although less so recently) I'll keep that in mind when I get it, thanks! If I'm being honest though I'll probably try and do most of it because I feel I have to.

I really want to get Witcher 3, despite not caring too much for Witcher 2, due to all the good things I hear and it looks great. The only thing is I don't know if I'll have the time to finish it before Fallout 4 which is a dumb problem to have, but it's an issue!

And you smell like one too!

It was fine. I think?

Also yes.

Except for Drugman.

Hello during a random dessert, the month and day of which coincide numerically with your expulsion from the uterus!

He's going to give 'er the ol' pork barrel eh?

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Fallout Shelter finally came out for Android so that will be a staple of this weekend. I don't play many mobile games so this is a great thing for me to kill time with. I'm in a bit of a game slump where nothing is really grabbing me so I'm not certain what else I'll be playing. I may push forward and try to beat Dead