John Bastion

!!!! Thank you for letting me know about the new Picross! It's my favorite game to play before bed while listening to a podcast and I've been craving more.

Common Eileen too-loo-rye-aye.

I want TWO MORE of these movies as well!

He also runs around on all fours like a hound.

My HBO GO will finally get some use!

I listened to this song SO much when I first heard it. It would be a song I would put on if I had a rough day or as I was going to sleep. I have some very specific emotional memories that I associate with it now from that time which is part of the reason I listen to it less (although who has the time?!) Still a great

Yes, but I'm greedy and want more!

The A.V. Club
A tiny secondary horn

*everyone laughs*
Man, you are such a jokester!

Oh! I saw Bigfoot crushing cars at the county fair.

"I'm Ranger Park, the park ranger."
"I get it!"

The A.V. Club

Oh I definitely know Hot Saucerman! I knew CBB before I actually watched all of Mr. Show so I had the opposite experience.

Yes, but I think it's only going to be 4 episodes. And TECHNICALLY it's called With Bob and David so it's different!

But we still had so much to learn from you!

Skynet plan!
Deadwood needs Terminators.
Skynet plan!

Life Pro Tip: Tie the dead wood to a stick if you need some help!

Come on HBO you made @entouragemovie. Give #Fannibals some closure.

I gotta see some more of that guy's taint!

That almost makes the relationship even more uncomfortable.