John Bastion

Come on HBO you made @entouragemovie. Give #BoredToDeath fans some closure.

Damn you "science"!

I almost gave up before season 8, I just didn't care very much for no specific reason. Now that it's on Netflix though, I'm finally able to give it another chance. I finished Time Heist the other night and I'm totally back on board!

Well, my brother does look like a whale…

So a cat and a rabbit being blood relatives makes sense, but the goldfish has to be adopted?

*gets bored of attempted murder, curls up under a sunbeam and falls asleep*

It's probably The Shaggy Dog.


It's Batman, NOT Obeseman!

It's Batman, NOT fatman!

Alright fine, you caught me. I huffed extra today.

Only the usual amount!

I had to throw out all my Radiohead Brand Protein Powder© after I saw the video to distance myself from them.

The Lion King of Limbs

Curtain Police

Brother, Kanye spare a rhyme?

I hate new school street magic. I like dirty punk magic, I like Criss Angel. He freaks my mind. Filthy little mind-freaker, that's what he is.

I would have been fine with them taking anything else out (or just cut back a little on the never ending battles) and including the Scouring of the Shire which was always my favorite part of the book.

"I'm Uncle Jesse, I've got a smug look on my face, wear a leather vest, and maybe ride a motorcycle? I'm not sure. Anyways this is my catchphrase"

You'd have to be The Dummy to see this movie.