John Bastion

I'm also a boxers man. Although to be fair I haven't tried anything else in years. Maybe I'll treat myself to a change of pace, but as it stands I like having the room.

"Which, by the way, is where we are right now. This hospital is in Brazil, as we all know."

You'll be back! Whether you want to or not!

Naw, I'm cool with them. I can relate to surfing buttholes.

I would also like to express my disgust for that particular band.

Old Man Yells at Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Well according to Star Wars' website the average height of a Stormtrooper is 6ft. So no I am not a little short for a Stormtrooper, YOU'RE A LITTLE SHORT FOR A STORMTROOPER!

A sense of stability in my life….

I think he unfairly gets a bad reputation. He can be a bit of an ass sometimes but he is genuinely funny and smart about what he does.

Sorry citizen, you should know by now that comic books and all related media was destroyed after the nerd uprising of 2030.

I don't think it is right now. I bought the season on amazon instant video. I don't know if there are any deals or whatever they've made with Netflix, but it seems like most FX shows end up on there eventually and season 2 starts in September so it might pop up sometimes soon.

Sadly I drank all my booze save for a bottle of vodka over the weekend, so I must buy some more before the next weekend. I do not know what as of now. It's a mystery!

Uuuuh yeah!
*pushes $14 sixer to the back of the fridge so no one sees it*

I took my roommate's dog to my parents house last weekend so he could play in their backyard for a bit and it's hilarious to watch him interact with their cat. The cat is around 1 1/2 and the dog is almost 1, and all the dog wants to do it play with the cat who just hisses and growls at him. Which is strange because

Shhhh! Shut up, this is the best part! *pushes face away*

I know what you mean, with certain people I don't bother but if their sensibilities line up I'll suggest something to them and they can make the choice on their own.

NONE of my close friends have seen the movie and very few of them have even heard of it which was even more shocking. What I'm saying is, I think I need new friends.

Right?! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the rest of the season.

I binged hard on TV last weekend. I finally got around to watching all of Man Seeking Woman and You're The Worst. I liked what Man Seeking Woman was going for and it did some really interesting/crazy things but think I preferred You're The Worst overall. I really enjoyed both though and can't wait for their second

AH! Breaking Bad season 4 is so good! If this is your first time, enjoy! If not, still enjoy it!